
Jen Jobart

craft review by Jen Jobart If you gave most kids the choice between unlimited books of a compelling book series and a truck full of candy, it would be a tough choice. Middle grade kids are ravenous readers, and there’s nothing better than a shelf of books that is seemingly never-ending. Usually our discussion group […]

craft review by Jen Jobart Writing a character readers love is the holy grail. In her book The Magic Words: Writing Great Books for Children and Young Adults, Cheryl Klein writes, “Even more than an exciting story, compelling characters make the reader turn the pages, because they offer the intimacy of a relationship, the unpredictability of real […]

craft review by Jen Jobart You might think that Save the Cat! is just a book about screenwriting, given that its subtitle is “The Last Book On Screenwriting You’ll Ever Need.”   Many movies do use the beat sheet, created by Blake Snyder. It’s especially easy to see in Disney and Pixar films, as well […]

craft review by Jen Jobart When I was a kid, one of my favorite books was A Wrinkle in Time.  I’m sure many of you can relate–how many of us were inspired to write children’s books by Madeleine L’Engle? And do any of you remember the magic of the movie The NeverEnding Story?  I still […]

craft review by Jen Jobart The first in the MAGNUS CHASE series, like most of Rick Riordan’s books, has been a huge success.  It has spent months at the top of the New York Times middle grade bestseller list.  Personally, it is my own kids’ favorite book, and I credit Rick Riordan’s books in general […]