Classes for New and Experienced Writers to Improve Their Craft
KidLit Craft offers multi-week classes for writers looking to improve their skills, try something new, and move ahead on their writing journey.
Check out our course overviews below and click through for more information and registration details.
Explore the Classes
Writing MG for PB Authors
▸ For experienced picture book authors ready to draft a novel
▸ Everything you need to know from scene writing to structure
▸ By the end, you will feel equipped and confident to start your first draft and have the tools you need to approach revision -
Revise a Novel with Me
▸ For MG and YA writers ready to take a completed draft of a novel through a full revision
▸ Assess, plan, and revise, with access to fellow writers' insights and mini-lessons on the revision process
▸ Weekly check-ins on a private Slack workspace for accountability
Write a Novel with Me
▸ For graduates of the Writing MG class to draft their novels in a supportive environment
▸ Set personal goals and learn from mini-lessons on topics like first chapters, character, midpoint, and setting
▸ Write alongside others to stay motivated and receive guidance through the tough spots
Writing MG and YA Novels for Everyone
▸ For new or experienced writers looking to flesh out their novel idea
▸ Learn about all aspects of drafting a novel, from scenes and structure to character development, worldbuilding, and theme
▸ Crash course in everything you need to know to set out on a first draft
Coming Soon!
One-Off Workshops
Not ready for a full-length class? Our workshops might be a better fit for you.
Stand-alone sessions on topics such as emotions, plotting, and character development.