Craft Articles

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Here you will find explorations of mentor texts – articles that dive into specific craft elements in published books, interviews with authors, and tips on growing and improving as a writer.

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Establishing Shots: How Tim McCanna Sets Up Peach and Plum, Here We Come! for Success
Middle Grade, Picture Books Anne-Marie Strohman Middle Grade, Picture Books Anne-Marie Strohman

Establishing Shots: How Tim McCanna Sets Up Peach and Plum, Here We Come! for Success

In order to get early readers on board, Tim had to draw readers in from the very first page and show them what to expect from the book. His 38-word, two-spread introduction to the book is a master establishing shot that covers not just setting, but all the elements readers need to be pulled into a story.

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Building character quickly: Definition, Dialogue, Desire, and Doubt in Vicky Fang’s Layla and the Bots series
Middle Grade, Picture Books Anne-Marie Strohman Middle Grade, Picture Books Anne-Marie Strohman

Building character quickly: Definition, Dialogue, Desire, and Doubt in Vicky Fang’s Layla and the Bots series

In her early chapter book series Layla and the Bots, Vicky Fang manages to incorporate STEM topics, design thinking, AND interesting characters, all in just over 1500 words each. Let’s take a look at techniques she uses to create interesting and memorable characters.

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