Craft Articles
Join us in exploring others’ craft and building our own.
Here you will find explorations of mentor texts – articles that dive into specific craft elements in published books, interviews with authors, and tips on growing and improving as a writer.
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Jessie Janowitz: Give Your Narrator a Secret
Understanding your main character’s backstory is essential to the first-person voice. We filter the world through our unique personal experiences, . . . we refer to places we’ve been, people we’ve met, food we’ve eaten, etc. If we don’t know our narrator’s history, we can’t begin to know the language they’d use to describe it.
Rhythm, Rhyme, and Summertime: A Q&A Peach and Plum, Here We Come! author Tim McCanna
Tim McCanna: "Trusting your intuition has to be earned by running into a lot of roadblocks and successfully finding your way through them. That’s true for any kind of writing."
Soaking up the sun and reposting some favorite craft posts, starting with Jen Jobart's analysis of Jason Reynold's GHOST through the lens of Cheryl Klein's THE MAGIC WORDS craft book.
An Interview with Lisa Moore Ramée Who Has More Than Something to Say
With an issue of a debate being at the heart of this story, it’s of course important to try to truly explore the issue, and I hope I did that.
All the Impossible Things: Seeding Tension Maximizes the Reading Experience
The strongest novels have main characters who not only want something but want something with serious stakes involved. In All the Impossible Things, Red’s stakes are whether she will ever have a home that truly fits.