Craft Articles
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Here you will find explorations of mentor texts – articles that dive into specific craft elements in published books, interviews with authors, and tips on growing and improving as a writer.
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Keeping Things Real: Writing Authentic Realistic Fiction for Middle Graders
But engaging middle school readers requires more than an interesting plot—the characters and their experiences must feel authentic to and reflective of the complicated world in which the readers live.

Perfect-for-This-Book Patterns: Ramen for Everyone by Patricia Tanumihardja
Patterns can help shape a story, from the big-picture themes to the moment-by-moment actions. Giving kids the opportunity to “read” the patterns gives them practice in making meaning. And it gives them satisfaction in reading as well.

Writing for Everyone: A Q&A with Patricia Tanumihardja, author of Ramen for Everyone
"I focused on just his family members because I realized that I wanted to weave together themes of food and family, in particular the father-and-son relationship. Food has always been a very important part of my family, both when I was growing up and now that I have my own family. My mom liked to cook and it was her way of showing her love for us. Similarly, I like to cook my husband’s or son’s favorite dishes and/or add in favorite ingredients here and there, just because I want to show them I “see” them and I love them."

Writing Enticing Middle-Grade Fiction with the Classroom in Mind
For me, story comes first, unbounded by requirements that might inhibit my creative process. I write my first draft, and in revision I assess if it has possible classroom connections.

Using a Small Thing to Big Effect: The Wreath in Linda Urban's Talk Santa to Me
Linda Urban’s stories are studded with angst, anguish, and hope, as well as problems, pathos, and humor. She is stellar at structuring stories so that something small, seemingly insignificant, becomes the integral to the climax and the protagonist’s understanding of the situation. In Talk Santa To Me, surprisingly, it’s a gaudy silver Christmas wreath that takes this hefty role.

Talk Writing with Me: a Q&A with Linda Urban, author of Talk Santa with Me
"My feeling is that if we are true to where our particular characters are developmentally, experientially, and philosophically, and we write from that place, we can write work that will connect with readers." --Linda Urban

Drawing in the Reader into a Non-Fiction Picture Book: One Tiny Bubble by Karen Krossing
In One Tiny Bubble, Krossing uses specific craft techniques to connect readers to the story, from direct address to apt comparisons, enabling kid readers to understand LUCA in relation to themselves and their world.

The Writing Quest: A Q&A with Karen Krossing
Karen Krossing shares her publishing journey--it's been a long and fruitful one!--as well as her exploration of writing in various categories, from YA to picture books, and details of her writing process.

Anne-Marie Guest Blogs at The Official SCBWI Blog
In January 2023, I had the pleasure of being the guest blogger for The Official SCBWI (Society of Children's Book Writers and Illustrators) Blog. Here are links to the posts, in case you missed them.

What We Read in 2022: Middle Grade
A list of the books we read in 2022 for our in-person middle grade book group for middle grade authors.

How to Write the End Part 2: Finale Meets Theme in The Troubled Girls of Dragomir Academy
From the All is Lost moment, right before Act 3 starts, to the Climax, The Troubled Girls of Dragomir Academy has followed each beat from Save the Cat, drawing readers in and compelling them to turn the page. But even after a stellar climax, the story isn't done. There's the opportunity to make the ending fully satisfying. Here's how Ursu does it.

How to Write The End Part 1: The Finale of The Troubled Girls of Dragomir Academy by Anne Ursu
The book I’m working on needs an ending. I know it, and I don’t know what to do about it, because I don’t know how to write one. So I decided to see how Anne Ursu did it in her masterful The Troubled Girls of Dragomir Academy. In this series of blog posts, I’ll share what I’ve learned with you.

NO SNOWBALL!: Dramatic Irony with a Healthy Dose of Contrast
Isabella Kung’s debut author-illustrator picture book NO FUZZBALL! is a masterclass in how to use dramatic irony to tell a laugh-out-loud comedic story using a well orchestrated combination of words and images.

Observing the World: A Q&A with Author-Illustrator Isabella Kung, the Creator of the NoFuzzball! Series
I think in order to capture the essence of a person, an environment, or even an emotion, a creator must observe and try to learn all its nuances.

Mapping Change in Character Relationships in Three Strike Summer by Skyler Schrempp
It can be argued that Skyler Schrempp’s debut novel, Three Strike Summer, is about baseball. Or poverty. Or migrants. Or summer. Or families trying their best to get by. Or unions. Or friendship. Or finding joy even in the hardships of life. And it is. It’s about all of these things, but my favorite part of the story is the story of sisters. Of Gloria and Jessamyn. Schrempp gives voice to a frustrating, loving, complicated relationship that grows, changes, and strengthens throughout the story.

Bridging the Gap Between Reader and History: A Q&A with Skyler Schrempp, author of Three Strike Summer
Skyler Schrempp: “I once read that George R. R. Martin talks about writers as “architects” or “gardeners”. Architects plan everything out before building and gardeners plant a bunch of things and see what grows well. I guess I see myself as more of a gardener than a panster! Pantser implies you’re really winging it, but I feel very intentional when I write…and it’s slow…like gardening.”

Establishing Shots: How Tim McCanna Sets Up Peach and Plum, Here We Come! for Success
In order to get early readers on board, Tim had to draw readers in from the very first page and show them what to expect from the book. His 38-word, two-spread introduction to the book is a master establishing shot that covers not just setting, but all the elements readers need to be pulled into a story.

Rhythm, Rhyme, and Summertime: A Q&A Peach and Plum, Here We Come! author Tim McCanna
Tim McCanna: "Trusting your intuition has to be earned by running into a lot of roadblocks and successfully finding your way through them. That’s true for any kind of writing."

“People, not plot”: Characterization in BIG RIG by Louise Hawes
In the spirit of Hazel’s focus on people, I want to examine how Hawes establishes such a large cast of memorable characters. In both the opening and in introducing new characters throughout the book, Hawes uses voice, descriptions, and mood to establish characters quickly.