Thieves' Gambit, Ep. 7: Relationship Arcs

Like character arcs and story arcs, relationship arcs can span the course of the novel, explore themes, reveal and challenge the main character, and complicate plot lines. In Episode 7, Erin and Anne-Marie examine Ross’s friendship arc with Noelia and her romance arc with Devroe.

Things we mention in this episode

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Anne-Marie Strohman

Anne-Marie Strohman (co-editor) writes picture books, middle grade novels, and young adult short stories and novels. She is a teacher, an editor, and a scholar. She is an active member of SCBWI and holds an MFA in Writing for Children and Young Adults from Vermont College of Fine Arts.

Find her at and on Twitter @amstrwriter


Thieves' Gambit, Ep. 6: Introducing a Big Cast of Characters