Craft Articles

Join us in exploring others’ craft and building our own.

Here you will find explorations of mentor texts – articles that dive into specific craft elements in published books, interviews with authors, and tips on growing and improving as a writer.

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Seina Wedlick: Deconstructing Story Structures
Author Interview Kristi Wright Author Interview Kristi Wright

Seina Wedlick: Deconstructing Story Structures

Traditional publishing is often a slow process...There are occasionally books that get snapped up and released really quickly, but, more often than not, it’s a much longer wait . . . It’s so important for writers to plug into a community of other writers they can share this journey with and to use the “waiting period” to work on something new or hone-in on their craft.

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Jessie Janowitz: Give Your Narrator a Secret
Author Interview Anne-Marie Strohman Author Interview Anne-Marie Strohman

Jessie Janowitz: Give Your Narrator a Secret

Understanding your main character’s backstory is essential to the first-person voice. We filter the world through our unique personal experiences, . . . we refer to places we’ve been, people we’ve met, food we’ve eaten, etc. If we don’t know our narrator’s history, we can’t begin to know the language they’d use to describe it.

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Ana Ot: Embrace Patience
Author Interview Kristi Wright Author Interview Kristi Wright

Ana Ot: Embrace Patience

I advise everyone to take their time with imagery. Don’t rush it. Let it unfold by crafting each phrase with care until the scene breathes life on the page. Thoughtful imagery has the power to transform a reader’s experience and leave a story lingering long after the book has been closed.

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Sam Subity: Keep Writing!
Author Interview, Middle Grade Anne-Marie Strohman Author Interview, Middle Grade Anne-Marie Strohman

Sam Subity: Keep Writing!

The inspiration for Valor Wings came from my daughter's nightstand. One day the two books on top were Anne of Green Gables and Wings of Fire. Just for fun, I started concocting some scenes that merged the two into a story about a great granddaughter of the famous Anne who led a squadron of dragon riders in World War 2. So my working title for Valor Wings for a long time was "Anne of Green Dragons."

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SIDEWRITING TAKEOVER: Why sidewrite? (And what is it anyway?)
Middle Grade, Picture Books, Young Adult Erin Nuttall Middle Grade, Picture Books, Young Adult Erin Nuttall

SIDEWRITING TAKEOVER: Why sidewrite? (And what is it anyway?)

If you’re a writer then you likely have feelings about sidewriting. You know, all that extra writing you do (or wonder if you should do) in order to figure out and enhance your story. Sidewriting can be anything from doing a story spine to free form writing to letters from your characters to hand writing a scene to word associations to writing from a new POV to plot graphs to--well, you get the idea. Sidewriting is any writing you do that (generally) doesn’t go into your actual manuscript.

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A Novel-In-Verse is a NOVEL first: An Interview with Aimee Lucido
Author Interview, Middle Grade Anne-Marie Strohman Author Interview, Middle Grade Anne-Marie Strohman

A Novel-In-Verse is a NOVEL first: An Interview with Aimee Lucido

"Craft study has helped me tremendously to make better books, and to hone my ear so that I know when something is working or not. I've become so much better at writing stronger characters with more compelling arcs, I can tell when my language is pitch-perfect and when it's falling flat, I can revise more quickly than ever before, I can look at comp titles when I get stuck, I can pull from a wider range of craft techniques when I'm struggling to convey something . . . the list goes on and on. Learning craft has helped me become a better writer in countless ways."

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